Once you reach certain amount of revenue, it's time to step up your game. Do you know why your competitors seem to always beat you to the buy box?, why they seem to adjust their prices not even a second after you've adjusted yours?, experience has taught them that having a repricing software is critical to succeed on Amazon or any other third party marketplace.

Best Amazon Repricer Features

  1. Easy to import product cost.
  2. Able to connect to your Amazon account to extract all your products automatically.
  3. Pre-configured with various repricing rules that you can pick from but also flexible enough to allow you to build your own repricing strategies once you get more advanced.
  4. Fast execution, a repricer must work every single time, period. No bugs, no issues, no calling customer service because their software stopped adjusting your prices, if you experience any of this is time to get a professional Amazon repricer.
  5. Get the BB at the best price: no doubt this is the most critical requirement for any repricer. Choose one of our top 3, you can't go wrong with these.

These Repricers Gave Us The Best Results

What is a repricer?

Repricers are tools typically sold as SaaS (software as a service), that automatically adjust your product pricing up or down depending on predefined criteria, the most advanced repricers use smart algorithms to give you an edge. Repricers are typically used in third-party marketplaces like Amazon.

Artificial intelligence AI powered repricers

These are repricers that use machine learning to adjust your pricing up or down, the avantage of this type of repricer is that it can adjust your pricing strategies based on multiple factors that would be almost impossible to keep track of manually.

AI repricer typically price upwards or downwards to maximize your profit while aiming to get and maintain ownership of the buy box, they consider things like competitor's ratings, back ordered items, your inventory levels and many more.

When do you need an Amazon repricer?

do i need a repricer for my amazon business?

Imagine this real-life situation: you have an item for sale and want to make sure your price is competitive, you go and spy on your competitors, if necessary you then go back to your own product and adjust the price up or down accordingly, easy isn't it?

But what if you had hundreds or even thousands of products, how much of your precious time would you have to invest multiple times a day to stay competitive?

The reality is that a repricer is a must-have if you want to scale your business, the sooner you accept this the better, don't cheap out on this, there are many other areas of your business where you can save money.

Get an Amazon repricer like Aura or Appeagle(now informed.io) as soon as your business can support it, I'd say a profit of two thousand a month is a good starting point to get a subscription to a decent repricer that will keep you competitive and save you a ton of time that can be invested in growing your revenues.

What is the best amazon repricer?

The good repricers make automated repricing not only easy but smart by using artificial intelligence to keep you competitive and win the buy box as often as possible. Some of them claim that you can control the Buy Box 65% of the time against other repricing tools, freaking good if you ask me!.

With an Amazon repricer your listings remain competitive 24/7, moreover, you can choose to adjust your pricing every 30 to 60 seconds and connect directly to the Amazon marketplace to stay on top of every move your competitors make.

Getting an automated repricer for Amazon is a business decision you need to make, things to consider are:

  • How much time are you currently spending on repricing your listings?
  • How effective is your repricing strategy?
  • How aggressive are your competitors with their pricing?
  • How competitive is your market?
  • Are you doing Private Label, Wholesale or Retail Arbitrage?

Our amazon repricer comparison above gives you all the information you need to get started.

Repricer For Amazon Wholesale, Retail Arbitrage or Private Label?

If you sell on Amazon using the wholesale or retail arbitrage methods then you need an automated repricing tool, obviously, you don't need it if you only have a handful of products but as soon as you feel like you're spending too much time managing your amazon listings pricing, you should get a repricer.

Private label sellers with numerous SKUs or in competitive niches would also benefit from using the best Amazon repricer.

What pricing strategies can I use?

Any decent FBA repricer will come with pre-built pricing strategies so that you can get started quickly, once you're more familiar with the platform you can set up your own custom strategies.

Their pre-built pricing strategies work out of the box so we highly encourage you to use them first, make sure to monitor the impact of repricing strategies on your top and bottom line though.

Targeted repricing

Depending on your chosen repricer, you are in complete control of your repricing strategies and is fully customizable to allow you to define how to compete against specific vendors, for example:

  • You can select to ignore vendors that are back-ordered or out of stock.
  • Choose if you want to reprice based on percentages or dollar amounts.
  • Exclude competitors that are not FBA (fulfilled by Amazon)
  • Adjust price when there is no competition so that you can maximize your profits.